Friday, February 7, 2025

Film Opening Project Schedule

 Hi! For this post, I'm going to be making a personal schedule to keep me on track for the project.

Week One (2/10-2/16)

4 blogs:

- Reflection on our first group meeting - what we discussed, initial ideas, roles

- Research into media theory that could inform our project

- Detailed summary of our project concept and vision

- Initial script/storyboard ideas

So thinking about locations, shots, media theories and the idea for our film opening and takeaways from meeting with the instructor.

Week Two (2/17-2/23)

4 blogs:

- Character development deep-dive

- Two posts about visual planning (locations, costumes, props, lighting setups)

- Audio planning - music style, sound effects needs

So we'll be thinking about character development, props, and audio.

Week Three (2/24-3/2)

4 blogs:

- One final planning post

- Three posts documenting our filming process - challenges, solutions, progress

So this week we will be filming the opening and documenting the process.

Week Four (3/3-3/9)

4 blogs:

- One final production post

- Two posts about editing process

- First CCR research post

So the editing process and beginning reflection.

Week Five (3/10-3/16) 

4 blogs:

- Research posts for remaining CCR questions (2, 3 and 4)

- Post outlining CCR production plan

So creative critical reflection all week.

Week Six (3/17-3/25) 

4 blogs:

- CCR production documentation

- CCR post-production process

- Final reflection on entire project

- Post with all final links

So final reflections and the final post with all links.

I'll try my best to stick to this broad schedule with my group. We don't have a lot of time and we need to make the most of it to finish the film opening on time.

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