Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR Question #4 Research

Hi blog!

Today I'll be answering the final CCR Question - Question 4.

Question 4 is How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware, and online - in this project?

I'll be breaking it down into subquestions like in my previous blogs on the CCR questions.

Here we go!

1. What hardware did you use in production?

We used smartphones to record as we didn't have access to professional cameras. We used the iPhone 15 and 16 depending on who was present during production.

In JD's room, we used Abe's smart lighting system to control the lighting. 

In recording the voiceover, we were able to use my microphone, a HyperX Quadcast. 

2. What software did you use for different stages of production?

In pre-production, I used Arc Studio Pro to write the screenplay / script correctly. I also used Google Docs to help plan the storyboard and production schedule.

In production, we used the iPhone camera app on the iPhone 15 and 16 and used the cinematic mode because it looked more professional and added a Depth of Field effect.

In post production, we used Capcut for editing and Audacity for voiceover editing. We also used Google Drive to share video files losslessly. 

3. How did you use online tools in research & distribution planning?

Throughout the entire process, I used Blogger to document everything.

I also used Youtube to find the no copyright rap music.

I used Google to do research and I cited my sources using a website called EasyBib that helped with formatting. 

4. How did technology impact the entire filmmaking process?

Technology shaped the entire process in not just how we filmed and edited, but how we developed ideas, adapted to challenges, and refined the product.

In pre production, Arc Studio Pro formatted the script and structured my thinking. It made sure the scenes were intentional before shooting.

Blogger and Google Docs allowed us to track our progress and pivot when necessary, like when we switched genres from thriller to sports comedy.

During production, using the iPhone camera & cinematic mode allowed the film's aesthetic to feel more polished by adding depth of field. Even filming in a public gym became manageable with strategic framing which might not have been possible with more professional equipment, showing how tech allowed us to adapt to real world problems.

Post production had perhaps the biggest impact on shaping the final product. We used Google Drive's lossless file sharing to collaborate and maintain high video quality. Audacity and my HyperX Quadcast allowed us to make professional voiceovers, making dialogue clearer and more immersive. Capcut's editing tools helped refine comedic timing, fix pacing, and add the credit sequence that makes the opening more realistic and conventional.

Technology didn't just help with production, it allowed us to make the most of the resources available and tell a story that wouldn't have been possible otherwise.

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