Hi blog!
Today we did our second group meeting in class. Our goal was to help each other with our projects and blogs. Here are the expectations our teacher laid out for us:
Like last time, I took notes on Google Docs on everyone's projects and what we discussed about their blogs. I also singled out one of my group members, Fati, and we exchanged notes for our blogs.
This is what I had down for my notes:
My notes for Fati:
The GRWM is a good idea, but that’s for the format blog at the end of the week not the research.
In post production posts:
- The honesty about having problems with refilming etc is good
- Images of process are good
- Be more specific about what u had trouble with in Adobe Premiere
- Voice with enthusiasm is good
- Good structure and chronological flow
- Honest about previous mistakes again
- Creative problem solving with the vanity mirror
- Clear explanation of the challenges faced
- Could expand and talk more about the technical details / techniques / camera settings etc used
- (would be useful for CCR 4)
“I saw Gabriel’s blog, it’s very good he has a lot of info and I like how he includes pictures, it makes the blog posts more entertaining”
We helped Julian with title ideas for his film and we helped Fati with a problem she had with her film's title. I helped her with her blog and helped clarify what could've been a big problem with her CCR Research blog posts.
I think the first group meeting was more helpful because it completely changed the direction of our project, but that's hard to beat. This meeting still gave me an idea of what other people are working on
and it gave me an opportunity to help them and think about some things for our project too, such as the title.
See you next time!
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